My mom came over on the 6th so that Hayden and I could have a "date". We went to Hyvee for breakfast, then to the Mall. We ran a couple of quick errands, then went to play in the play area

and he got to ride the carousel (now that he's tall enough to ride alone he can ride more often. I turn green thinking about riding!) We're trying to make a date every Tuesday. He keeps saying "we should do this more often". He's so good at sharing me that I need to remind myself he needs some "mommy" time.

Since Doug was gone for the weekend I had some "me" time this week on Tuesday. Hayden and Lainey enjoyed playing with Grandma Gale and I got to run a few errands alone. Then I headed to Panera, got a chai and knit for a while.
Poor Lainey is working on three new teeth! You can see them right under the gums. She's been quite happy to take her medicine (and when I say "take your binky out" she quickly removes it and starts smacking her lips for her ibuprofen or tylenon.)
We're still trying to return to normal from a round of head colds. Doug had it last and now has a whole lip of cold sores.
We got a few inches of snow on Monday and Hayden got to play outside yesterday with Hope. I didn't get an pictures, but hope I can today. He's already planning what he's going to do!
Happy Valentine's Day!