Here is Hayden with his kindergarten teacher at "graduation"! He had a great year and learned so much! Lainey enjoyed it too.

I just can't believe how big they're getting!
We had H's Trike-A-Thon fundraiser for his preschool last weekend and he placed 2nd in amount raised! They gave him a voucher for a new helmet and he also got a water bottle and a horn for his bike. He probably rode 50 laps! We're very proud of him! Here are a few pictures my friend, Pam, took for me!
I'll add a couple of updates soon on his first field trip (which is tomorrow.) I'll also try to update a bit more often!
L and A... Her first boyfriend! They are so cute together and he's very sweet to her.
H with his firefly friends. He loves to catch them as often as we'll let him and they "sleep over" in his room to be released the next A.M. Doesn't he look like a big boy?
Hope all is well!