Here is Hayden with his kindergarten teacher at "graduation"! He had a great year and learned so much! Lainey enjoyed it too.

Here are both my sweeties on the first day of first grade for Hayden! He looks so much older to me than at his graduation.

We love his teacher! She's a very sweet and caring person and Hayden is doing well! It's amazing the words he can read. Along with his weekly homework he's been meeting his Aunt Leslie for swimming lessons! He's gung ho about that as well... jumping into the deep end and diving for rings (in the shallow) seem to be his favorites.

Just a few days after school started he lost the second of his top front teeth. What a lovely smile! Since school pictures were last week, we'll have that gap toothed grin to look at for many years to come.

Lainey is busy being a big girl. She's learning lots of things and wants to be like her big brother. I'm volunteering at school to help his teacher a couple afternoons a week and working in the library during his library time weekly. She goes with me and takes her backpack with her homework (crayons, books, etc.) and a snack. She's always so good and rarely complains while we're there.
I just can't believe how big they're getting!
1 comment:
aww congratulations! they are so precious!
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