Sunday, November 12, 2006

Finally, Moving Into the 21st Century...

Well, our camera died and my wonderful husband let me go out and pick my Christmas present out early! Yep, we now have a digital camera! So, I figured I should take the next step and start a blog to keep everyone up to date on the kids, my knitting (what little there is at this point) and any other exciting news from the Midwest.

Well, we went to bed Tuesday night with it looking bad for both McCaskill and Amendment 2. Imagine our surprise when we woke up to see that they had both turned around! What a wonderful morning!

Here are a few pictures from Halloween!

Lainey was our "ferocious" dragon! (We had to plug her up with the binky!)

Hayden was the brave knight and Jackson (our nephew) was Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean).

Hayden and Hope, a friend from the neighborhood. Her dad took this picture.

Luke, Camille and another neighbor that stopped by our house.

Other exciting news... we now have a crawler in the house! She's also eating up a storm and is about the same size Hayden was at this point. (She turned 7 months on October 28.) She's also waving and loves to say "ma-ma-ma-ma" when she's upset.

I'm hoping to update often, but we'll see how it goes!


1 comment:

tiffandbarry said...

So exciting!!! We love the kid-update-blog-world.
Also, we couldn't stop smiling after we woke up on Wednesday morning to the blue defeats in Missouri. Then on Thursday finding out that we took over both houses!!! Yeah!!!! Politics are looking up.