Sometimes I wonder, is there ever a quiet moment at our house? Maybe around 1 or 2 a.m., but it just depends on what time Lainey decides to wake. Last night she would not go back to sleep. We cried, fussed and screamed! (Well, she did, I just felt like it.) Doug missed it (he headed back to Springfield via THE CABIN to do a little additional recording with Craig. Poor him!) He also missed a few other things like:

Lainey trying to walk/stand by herself! She was reaching for my hand and took a step from the highchair.

Here she was holding onto my hand, but I pulled it away and she stood there for quite a while before she went down. Our lives might be crazy now, but we're going to have a toddler soon.... then I'll wish for the "slower times!"
Doug should be home sometime tonight. We can't wait to see him!
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